Aaron Woodley
Front Office Delivery Manager (London)
![Aaron Woodley](/media/hs4jkhq2/aaron-woodley-867-x-488.jpg)
Aaron has been working in the IT space now for over 20 years. He studied Engineering at Brunel University and left to work at a typical IT system integrator, quickly becoming embroiled in web development before moving to an investment bank focusing on external-facing systems for vanilla equity trading.
Facing-off IT and power trading gifted me a wide understanding of the commercial business.
In 2006 he joined EDF Trading to start a team that combined rapid front office development and support. Within two years he moved to business analytics and began to focus on power trading which lead to a role facing-off IT for the power trading business which gifted him a wide understanding of the commercial business. Over the last three years he's been leading our front office development team.